Last pattern of the Viking Gaelic influenced two handed swords of the Highlands and Hebridean Isles of Scotland.
(CLAIDHEAMH – DA – LAIMH) pronounced Clyva-da-leve - the provenance placed on the original by the National Museum of Scotland is 1560 A.D.
This sword was developed for direct assault on armour clad knights and front line combatants. In some cases the elite core of Gallowglass long swordsmen were used as shock troops to penetrate the front lines of advancing armies. Once their work was done they would at times retire and allow the rank and file to do their work.
Blade Type: Flat Hex Piercing Blade Three Fullered
Overall length: 58"
Blade length: 41"
Blade width at hilt: 2 7/16"
Blade width 3” from tip: 1"
Blade distal taper: 11/32" 5/32"
Primary Percussion Point: 1/4 from the end of the blade
Secondary Percussion Point: Just inside the hilt area
Point of Balance: 3 3/8"
Sword Weight: 8 LBS